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We are often told contradictory information on manifesting. One minute we hear you should always have the feeling of having what you want.

Then in the next breath we are told “you should let it go and it will manifest when you least expect it.”

So the question is which one is it?

For me both strategies have worked and paid off greatly, for example becoming the Revolutionary Mind Coach was a character I designed and I felt that I was this new character consistently and affirmed constantly until it was true. So I manifested by being persistent in the feeling of already being what I want.

However some years back I saw an advert for a phone that I couldn’t afford at the time. I simply stated ”I’m getting that” with no plan or consistency in feeling that I even had the phone, I said it! (I let it go) and yet it arrived and manifested in my life in a way that I could not have planned and I didn’t pay single penny for it. So should we think it all the time or let it go?

As I know from experience that both manifesting strategies can work, my concern is not whether they work. but more which one works best for me?

As you read this I would suggest asking yourself this question as your answer will cause you to discover the one strategy that works best for you. You can test the question on your intuition by feeling which one brings you the most peace and acceptance that your wish is real.

In the quote above from the Great Lao Tzu we see the word desire being related with a state of want. As you may already know, want or need cause desperation and desperation repels the things it wants.

For an example of this you only have to think of how attractive desperate people are, (that’s right they’re not attractive) Recall a desperate person hitting on you and you will remember that desperation is a state that repels what it wants, rather than a state that manifests what it desires.

So we must have some disconnection from a strong desire, want or need for the manifestation regardless of whether we think of it regularly or not.

One thing is for sure whether I’m consistent or I am letting go, there has always been a sense of trust and a sense of knowing it’s real and a sense of me being enough and worthy even when I’ve let it go…

This means i not be ina state of desiring to have something and also be in the state of having that thing.

So as LaoTzu says above I must be out of desire then all I see is manifestations …. write your experience in the comments below I’d love to hear what works best for you ✍️

Have a blessed Day and may all your dreams manifest! P.S to celebrate coming holiday season the ONE book is now only £8.99 paperback version and just £2.99 in the Ebook click the ONE book above to buy from Amazon.

We often see negative traits in others and forget that we are ONE. If we remember that we are all ONE and that we only see that which we are.

We then assess the characteristics and qualities we are witnessing and ask ourselves. Where is this characteristic in me?

You see as your own mind creates reality this means that the people and circumstances in our lives are representations of who we are.

If this sounds complex or you need a greater understanding of this, click the menu tab on this app/website and get the ONE book for just £2.99 for a limited time only.

The only reality is within your mind and what is outside is only a reflection of how you thought and felt in the past.

It is important when manifesting to remember that the current circumstances were created by you.

The circumstances you experience that are opposite to your dream being real, are only things that you created in the past.

Re-minding yourself that you created your current circumstances is the best way to feel superior to the external facts.

This way you do not feel defined by what you see or even feel defeated by witnessing the facts that you don’t want. When you remember that you are the creator of the things, that you don’t like, then you have the power to change it!

I have video course on overlooking current circumstances coming soon so stay tuned!

© 2024 ONE Coaching ltd. 

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